- 12/23/2007 11:08:35 PMA Home For The HolidaysI saw an interesting adoption special on TV the other night. It was about foster care adoption and was sponsored by the Dave Thomas foundation. Dave is the founder of the Wendy's franchise and was himself adopted as a young boy. He has a heart for orphans and this program was an outreach of the foundation he started.
As I began to watch, it became clear that it was a very secular production. Sheryl Crow came on and sang a song that went similar to the following:
Peace be upon us
Peace be upon us
Peace be upon us
If you know what I mean say yea
There were other artists that had a similar message and it got me thinking. What they are after is a world that embodies everything that Jesus stands for but with out the "baggage" of religion. What is the so-called baggage you ask? Heaven is often referred to as a "kingdom". As such, it is ruled by a King. If you want to reap the benefits of the kingdom, you must submit yourself to the authority of the King. A lot of people have trouble with that.
When they sing, "Peace be upon us" are they singing to some supernatural warm-fuzzy entity that has magical power and is floating around in space from an old Star Trek episode? Of course everyone wants peace, but why not appeal to the only One that can bring true and lasting peace? Peace between the Creator and the creation. Between God and man.
In a little over 1 day from now, we will celebrate Christmas. The day when God became a man and brought with him the gift of reconciliation for some long outstanding issues. Jesus paid a price I am not capable of paying. The Holy Spirit is actively working to restore what was damaged from sin.
May the peace, grace and mercy of the Lord, Jesus Christ be upon us.
A Home For The Holidays
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption