- 12/28/2007 10:08:43 AMGood news for AlexSome time ago, we had been considering adopting another boy along with Yuri. Based on the results of prayer and other factors, we decided not to proceed with his adoption... Enter the Chase family.
Since Alex's first visit to Wisconsin, many of the Lighthouse families have been praying that there would be another family with heart for adoption and an empty spot just the size of one Russian boy. I have been writing to Mr. Chase for the past several weeks and want to express several things to them.
First of all - C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!
Secondly - Welcome to the growing number of Lighthouse families!
Thirdly - Prepare your fields for the coming rain. (See the movie: "Facing The Giants" for the explanation)
If you are a reader of this blog, I would encourage you to visit their website - "The Adoption Chase" and send them an encouraging note.